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Italian Mortadella and Pistachio Pizza Recipe

Italian Mortadella and Pistachio Pizza Recipe

Ever wondered how versatile Pistachio can be? Brontedolci invites you to make your own Sicilian pizza with their Elite Pistachio Pesto.

The combination of mortadella and pistachio is now fairly well known and proposed in all the pizzerias in Italy, thanks to this recipe you can make a tasty thin and crispy pizza at home. It's important that the mortadella is added only to the last one, so that it doesn't compromise its final taste.

Ingredients for base:

  • 350 g (2 3/4 cups) of manitoba flour
  • 150 g (1 cup) flour 00
  • 18 g (3.6 tbsp) beer yeast
  • 310 ml (10.5 oz) of water
  • 30 g (2.4 tbsp) of sugar
  • 20 g (1.6 tbsp) of salt
  • 60 ml (2 oz) extra virgin olive oil

Ingredients for seasoning:


Making pizza with mortadella and Sicilian pistachio pesto is not difficult at all, just follow simple but necessary steps. With these doses you can make 3 medium round and thin pizzas.

1. Mix the two types of flour inside a large bowl. Make a hole in the center where you'll go crumbling the fresh beer yeast. Dissolve the latter with some warm water and then add sugar, salt, extra-virgin olive oil and gradually all warm water.

2. Mix the ingredients together using a fork first, then when the dough starts to take shape, start kneading with your hands on the infarced table, until you get a fluffy and elastic stick (it takes about 10 minutes). Put the dough back in the infarced bowl now and leaven in a hot place until volume doubles (about 1 hour and a half).

3. When the dough has leavened, take it back and split it into 3 equal parts. Take the first part of dough and lay it on a thin disc. Distribute over 2 abundant tablespoons of Bronte pistachio pesto and bake pizza in a preheated static oven at 200°C (392 °F) for about 15 minutes.

4. When the pizza starts to take color and underneath it will appear perfectly cooked, bake it out and add the chopped mozzarella in pieces. When mozzarella becomes sparkling it means pizza is ready, so bake it and season it with an extra-virgin olive oil thread, thin slices of mortadella and a handful of minced pistachios. Repeat the operation with the other parts of dough and when the pizzas are all ready you can consume them both warm and warm.

Buon appetito!

Picture and Recipe from Brontedolci.

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