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Domaine des Terres Rouges

Domaine des Terres Rouges, from Mietesheim, France has been producing exceptional quality mustards, horseradish and condiments for delicatessens since 1995. Domaine des Terres Rouges was founded by artisans distillers in Collonges-la-Rouge, in Corrèze. The old red stones of this medieval city created the name of this mustard factory. The company specializes in fragrant mustards with aromas from the terroir of New Aquitaine: truffle, fig, Espelette pepper, etc. In 2015, Domaine des Terres Rouges begins its great journey towards a new side. These condiments are culinary aids to raise dishes flavors. Very aromatic and easy to use, these condiments permit you to vary the pleasures according to the dishes and desires. Domaine des Terres Rouges has three main values: artisanal, local and quality production. The mustard production is linked to the Chamber of Agriculture of Alsace to support the local agricultural sector to preserve a short and sustainable supply chain. A partnership with about twenty farmers allows them to preserve the cultivation of mustard seeds in the region. The preparation of mustards is traditional with ingredients that are, for the most part, local. To make mustard, producers kneaded mustard seeds with verjuice, a mixture of water, vinegar, salt and spices. Then, they are finely ground with a stone wheel.


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