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Food is our love language ♡
Step Aside Cupcakes, Macarons Are Taking Over

Step Aside Cupcakes, Macarons Are Taking Over

These mini sandwich-like cookies are made from two meringue-based crisp shells filled with jam or cream of practically any flavor you can think of; although I do recommend !These delicious cookies are not only light and airy, but also aesthetically pleasing, which makes them great for Instagram pictures! Now let's dive into some history of macarons.The macaron we know and crave today was not created until the 1890's by La Maison Laduree. The second cousin of La Maison Laduree began adding a filling inside the cookie and forever changed the way macarons were made to this day.Fast forward to 2014, macarons became the most popular dessert in the U.S! If you have not hopped on the macaron craze and would like to try some, look no further! Try Duverger's handmade made with organic ingredients and natural flavors.

 One bite and you'll be hooked!

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